Bridging the Gap

July 15, 2024

Today, over 100 older adults call an MRC Community their home, and they need help from compassionate individuals like you. With limited financial resources, these residents rely on donations to the MRC Covenant Fund to bridge the gap between what they can afford and the actual cost of their care and home. Retired pastor, Tom Ramsey, is one of the many who have benefited from the generosity of donors. As he reflected on his past contributions to the MRC Covenant Fund through a men’s program in the 1980s, Tom shared, "I had no idea I would ever need assistance from the Fund." Thanks to the gifts from people like you, Tom has found a new home in an MRC community, where he enjoys friendship and a renewed outlook on life.

“Instead of just living until I die, I’m looking forward to life.” –Tom Ramsey, Retired Pastor and MRC Resident

 The Apostle John encourages us in 1 John 3:18 to put our love into action: “Let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show our love by our actions.” (NLT) Your donations to the Covenant Fund embody this principle, providing older adults with comfortable homes, nutritious meals, compassionate care, and transformed lives. Because MRC does not have an endowment to rely on, your ongoing support is crucial. Each gift is a testament to love in action, making a tangible difference in the lives of those in need.

For more information, please contact MRC VP of Philanthropy & Engagement, Todd Partin, at or by phone at 281-210-0139.


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