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The 2024 MRC ICARE Champions and Service Award Recipients were honored at a Celebration Brunch in February where they were each treated to a day at a spa, along with the guest of their choice.
Read MoRELa Porte Affordable Housing is awarded a generous grant from HUD
Read MoREMembers of the MRC Accounting Team spearhead state-wide food drive.
Read MoREBayview residents partner with La Porte school district for a variety of programs.
Read MoREThree MRC employees graduate from a prestigious senior living leadership course called Leadership Collective.
Read MoREEmployees from across Texas obtain their Eden Alternative Certifications.
Read MoREMRC encourages donors to consider the many ways they can give.
Read MoREOutstanding Performances in 2022 recognized.
Read MoREMRC Skilled Nursing neighborhoods celebrate excellent outcomes
Read MoRECrestview Terrace and Crestview Place receive high marks for 11 years in a row
Read MoREWhy three MRC Executive Directors have transitioned from Hospitality to Senior Living
Read MoREMRC Board Member recognized for nine years of dedicated service
Read MoREEmployees graduate from LeadingAge Texas’ Leadership Collective program
Read MoREMRC launches TikTok and Instagram channels to support recruiting efforts
Read MoREMRC launches new television commercial featuring resident and staff stories in 2023
Read MoREAstros mascot surprises fans at the home office in The Woodlands
Read MoREOutstanding Performances in 2021 were recognized at MRC’s Annual Sales Summit
Read MoREBrown said it was important, especially as an organization that honors and serves older adults as an expression of Christ’s love to assist employees during a challenging time.
Read MoREMRC Affordable Housing ranked with the best in the nation according to HUD
Read MoREMRC Skilled Nursing neighborhoods celebrate excellent outcomes
Read MoRE2021 ICARE Champions are announced and celebrated!
Read MoREThree more MRC Communities join The Eden Alternative Registry
Read MoREMRC appeals to donors for $60 donations to celebrate 60th anniversary
Read MoRECelebrating 60 years of ministry by remembering the philanthropic family responsible for MRC’s beginning
Read MoREStevenson Oaks names dining room after MRC’s former Board Chair
Read MoREMRC's volunteer Board of Directors officially installed Wayne Haglund as Board Chair for his third and final term.
Read MoREStevenson Oaks, currently under construction in Fort Worth, has recently named Kristi Baird as Executive Director.
Read MoREOur mission calls us and our faith compels us to extend the love of Christ to meet the needs of older adults. More and more are coming forward seeking help and we want to answer the call.
Read MoREMRC was blessed to join in partnership again this year with the United Methodist Churches of the Texas Annual Conference in our Annual Mother’s Day Appeal.
Read MoREFive things everyone should know about MRC Affordable Housing
Read MoREWHAT METHODIST RETIREMENT COMMUNITIES IS DOING TO PROTECT OUR RESIDENTS AND STAFF AS TEXAS RE-OPENS September 4, 2020 THE PATH TO REOPENING Since early March of 2020, loved ones have been separated due to restrictions that were put in place by state and federal agencies to protect residents from the Corona virus. Recently, the State …
Read MoREAN MRC UPDATE ABOUT HURRICANE PREPAREDNESS: August 25, 2020 Dear MRC Family, As you know, Hurricane Laura has the potential to impact the areas where we serve. Within days, this storm system has the potential to make landfall bringing with it high winds and heavy rains. Our teams are actively monitoring the path of this …
Read MoREChoosing where to make your home, especially in the years that follow the peak of your working career, is one of the most important decisions a person will make. For those who want to make the most of these years, many will give strong consideration to a community specially designed and tailored for this key …
Read MoREWe’ve got your downsizing planning down pat so that you’ll be downsizing like a pro. Here are some ways to achieve this undertaking that will leave you feeling liberated and ready to face the future with positive expectations. Here are 10 fast tips to get you started: Start sorting through closets and getting rid of …
Read MoREWhile we all form strong emotional attachments to our home, for older adults, staying in a house can cause more harm than good. That’s because our needs change as we evolve as adults, and our house just can’t fulfill all of those needs. If you or someone you love is weighing the pros and cons …
Read MoREGetting older doesn’t mean what it used to. For many aging Americans, it is a phase of life where interests, goals, and dreams can get a new or second start. Today, aging is about eliminating outdated perceptions and living the way that suits you best – it’s something we see daily at all Methodist Retirement …
Read MoREThe acronyms used by the senior living business can look like Alphabet soup and be as baffling as a secret code. So here’s a simple way to decode the myriad of senior living options available today: MLC – Multi-Level Living Community Multi-Level Living Communities offer two or more levels of living under one roof. Combinations …
Read MoREThe 2010 U.S. census found that 11 million, or 28% of people aged 65 and older, live alone. Now that the Baby Boomer generation is entering its senior years, we can expect this number to increase dramatically. The negative health effects of loneliness could well become an epidemic, if it isn’t already. While the term …
Read MoREBy Ron Jennette, President & CEO In this blog post, let’s explore the second of the five ICARE values that guide all MRC communities. To briefly recap, ICARE stands for Integrity, Compassion, Accountability, Respectand Excellence. In each of our communities, ICARE is a primary focus for recruiting, training and employee evaluations. We believe ICARE symbolizes “hospitality with …
Read MoREFive for Fighting is the one-man band of John Ondrasik. In 2005, he released the song World, which posed the question: What kind of world do you want? Although the song is aimed at a young audience, it’s a poignant question for people aged 65 and older to consider. As you age, what kind of world …
Read MoREICARE stands for Integrity, Compassion, Accountability, Respect and Excellence. In our system, ICARE is a primary focus for recruiting, training and employee evaluations. ICARE is also a platform for “hospitality with teeth,” laying the foundation for a culture where the best want to work in serving those who once cared for us. In this blog, …
Read MoRE“I’m not ready.” It’s a common phrase thrown out by aging adults to anyone who mentions the idea of moving out of a longtime home. Many factors feed this common sentiment, but most tend to be emotional. I love my home. I have memories here. Moving is too formidable. If aging at home is your …
Read MoREWhen you believe it’s time to “have the talk” with a parent or parents about their future needs, it’s important for everyone involved to focus on the parents and what is best. Focusing on emotional and physical needs may help prevent decisions that can disrupt family dynamics or be ultimately detrimental to everyone. It may …
Read MoREICARE value #5 – EXCELLENCE by Ron Jennette, President & CEO EXCELLENCE is the fifth and final value represented by the acronym, ICARE, which stands for Integrity, Compassion, Accountability, Respect and Excellence. In our system, ICARE is a primary focus for recruiting, retaining and training, along with employee evaluations and recognition. ICARE is also a …
Read MoREMany adult children live in cities and states far away from parents and thus may see them infrequently. So the holiday visit can often be an eye-opening experience if one or both parents are behaving differently. If you notice changes, how can you tell if the behaviors are part of the normal aging process, or …
Read MoREThe turn of a new year often prods us to resolve to make important life changes. If you think 2018 is the time to begin living those “someday dreams,” you may want to start by researching the wide range of retirement communities available today. The demand for senior housing is greatly increasing, with 10,000 Baby …
Read MoREAnnouncing our follow-up video blog series: Topics from Tam A re-cap of the Understanding Dementia seminar MRC communities in Bryan/College Station, Lufkin, League City and Huntsville recently hosted seminars featuring dementia expert Tam Cummings. To the overwhelming number of people who attended, thank you for coming! Over the next few weeks, we’ll be posting a …
Read MoREGood overall health is important to good brain health. Exercise helps us maintain good overall health, and the same goes for the brain. In this video, noted dementia expert Tam Cummings provides five activities that help maintain good brain health as we age.
Read MoREThe terms are often used interchangeably, but it’s incorrect to do so. In this video, noted dementia expert Tam Cummings, PhD, provides and explanation of the terms. Further, she provides vital information about what is happening to the brain when a person suffers memory loss. This information is crucial for loved ones to understand.
Read MoREWhether you have one sibling, or many, adult children often find themselves at odds over what to do when parents show signs of needing help. Conflicts can arise because one or more sibling may be unaware of the parents’ decline. Other conflicts arise when siblings disagree on the type of help needed. If these or …
Read MoREIt surprises them all the time, but staff at senior living communities are never surprised when they hear residents say, “We wished we’d moved here sooner.” It’s true that once the anxiety of the actual move passes, and once they settle in, most residents begin to truly enjoy life – some for the first time …
Read MoREIn the late afternoon hours of August 25, 2017, a Category 4 storm named “Harvey” began rolling into the Houston metro area. It would eventually dump more than 50 inches of rain and strike the Texas coast with winds up to 130mph. The storm brought unprecedented amounts of rain to an area stretching from the …
Read MoREOne of the most persistent myths about senior living communities is, “I’ll lose my independence.” Some think of retirement communities as akin to “nursing homes,” but nothing could be further from the truth! In fact, residents in Independent Living neighborhoods find they have MORE INDEPENDENCE than they ever imagined. Some find they have extra time …
Read MoREExplore our latest issue of The Pulse.
Read MoREThe Holidays are here and what a wonderful time to spend with the family that we love. Fabulous meals together, cozying up to watch Football playoffs, trips to see beautiful Christmas lights, laughing over the Pictionary drawings, and sweet conversations at the kitchen table with mom over coffee. What might not be so sweet, is …
Read MoREHow would you like to live a longer life? When it comes to aging, studies are showing that there is one simple fix to extend your life… and what is it? SOCIALIZATION! We are learning more and more about aging and how you can extend your life by being around others. That’s why Methodist Retirement …
Read MoREOn Monday, April 15th in Houston, Judge David R. Jones, approved the sale of Mirador in Corpus Christi to the MRC system. Mirador is a beautiful continuing care retirement community (IL, AL, MS, SN & Rehab) in Corpus Christi developed in 2010-2011 under the sponsorship of SQLC. MRC is aggressively targeting a closing date of …
Read MoREShopping Retirement Communities? 5 questions you didn’t know you should be asking Have you begun the exhaustive work of touring and comparing senior living options in your area? Perhaps you have already scribbled down pricing, amenities and included services on your own comparison chart. You may have taken measurements of each floorplan, tasted the food …
Read MoREThe Woodlands, Texas – Methodist Retirement Communities names Alan Brown as the President and CEO. Mr. Brown was formerly the Chief Operations Officer for Methodist Senior Services in Tupelo, Mississippi. Over 253 prospective candidates were sourced and 15 interviews held by CliftonLarsonAllen, a firm that specializes in executive search and recruiting, to assist Methodist Retirement …
Read MoREThe Invisible Enemy Since the beginning of this pandemic, the corona virus has been referred to as an “invisible enemy.” The world was warned that the impact of this disease would be devastating should it reach the most vulnerable, our seniors. Those serving seniors in nursing care communities jumped into action in early March to …
Read MoREIndependent Living Limited Visitation- visitors will be permitted in the IL neighborhood with the following criteria in place: 1. Guest must pass screening process upon entry 2. Guests must wear a face covering 3. Residents are limited to 2 guests per day 4. Guests must arrive within allotted visiting hours 5. Visitation must take …
Read MoREWHAT METHODIST RETIREMENT COMMUNITIES IS DOING TO PROTECT OUR RESIDENTS AND STAFF AS TEXAS RE-OPENS July 17,2020 THE BATTLE CONTINUES In early March of 2020, everything changed. A new virus meant that new barriers were put in place. Windows between mothers and daughters. Glass doors between sons and fathers. Rubber gloves now impede a warm …
Read MoREMRC is awarded a generous technology grant to keep residents connected to loved ones during COVID-19 At the direction of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), since March of this year, nursing facilities have had to significantly restrict visitors and nonessential personnel from visiting in an effort to protect residents, many of whom …
Read MoREDear Friends, No doubt you have seen the news reports of the devastating impact COVID-19 can have on seniors, as well as some bad outcomes in retirement centers and nursing homes across the country. As the new President/CEO of Methodist Retirement Communities, I wanted to share some good news about the heroes of MRC: our …
Read MoRE